Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Chai Wallah...
The chai wallah warms his hands with bated breath.
The time is upon him in this little world of his,
'tis time to share a laugh and spread a little warmth.
He heats his lil cuppa, fiddles with his pois...
The band of travellers should be upon him not long away,
A haunting tune he whistles of memories galore..
Ever searching the horizon for the sign to share.
No sooner said, he hears the jingle and the rattle,
Laughter of a joke told often, Tears of a story told less...
and he smiles; a smile that knows, a smile that feels,
They are here; some known, most unknown.
Acknowledgements arise, great wonders galore...
The time is now, to preform his lil ditty;
a strong shoulder to bear the brunt,
fingers nimble for the trick without the treat.
Throats are whetted, hearts are warmed,
Memories are hushed, Dreams are bright, Fears are swept...
This is the tale, this is the poem, this is the legend...
A stop-gap hero he is, a part-time lover he is.
He likens himself to an oasis dreaming of the beach,
Like a rock he is there, come God's chariot;
like a sponge he is there, to seep the Angel's tears;
Like a broom he sways, for the Devils tricks;
Soon the time has come,
the ditty has to end, Promises are etched;
Vows are made, Bonds are broken;
And the travellers head for the end of the rainbow;
The chai wallah cleans his cups;
The chai wallah polishes his pois;
The chai wallah hums his tune;
The chai wallah smiles that smile;
For the smile says it all,
The smile that knows, The smile that feels...
Friday, November 23, 2007
Twilight Meanderings
Hey God, Can I tell you all my worries and all my chinks?
Will you lend me o' ear, so I can tell you my tale or should I save it for the shrinks...
Hey God, Do you really pull all the strings?
Or are we just victims of our very own designs...
An Obsession that caught everyone’s fancy;
Far too much traffic in the heart, way too much pollution in the streams...
Pull on the covers, dull the senses, set your mind free;
My body is my canvas; let me paint it with the colors of my life...
Hey God! Do you feel Love and Despair?
Lost love and young adventure...
Hey God! Were you ever one of us?
Just a bum in search of his morning bus...
They slept through the fire I started,
But it is I who burned and burn alone I shall...
He smiled in a distant apparition and there she stood,
Afraid to reach out for we might find what we never lost...
Hey God! Was it ever hard for you to let go and cry unabashed?
Not a tear for your fear, nor a lump for your wants...
Hey God! Has Peace ever eluded you?
Under the bridge, over the boulder yet not a single glimpse...
The Unicorn of my life prances yonder,
I don't have a bait nor do I have a saddle...
A wound we all cradle deep within,
A balm we all repel, for pain is what we hold dear....
Hey God! Why’d you have to shut your eyes?
The world got just that bit colder...
Hey God! Please don't wait up;
I don't think anyone's comin' home tonight...
The Music has stopped and spring has taken a miss,
Questions arise, Answers leave for vacations...
winter’s here but Santa isn't,
summer has arrived with a frozen sun and an icy heart...
Hey God! Have you ever been found?
Shied away from the promos but in line for the red carpet...
Hey God! How do you deal with being taken for granted?
Do you just smile or do you take a hike for sense to prevail...
A hope though is what plucks the strings,
Twisting and swaying like a nimble daisy on a dancing day...
Blinking away the cobwebs and loosen the dead weights,
For what lies around the corner makes us walk the slush....
Hey God! Do you love Dylan and the Stones?
Not long after, the heavens opened; I think that was a yes....
A cloud of black smoke
A cloud of black smoke,
Not a word, he spoke.
He felt the heat, but it was going to be over.
Looked at his little girl, shed a tear, and held her fingers.
She knew not, what transpired between her eyes and his smile.
He promised to look after her once he reached the beyond.
The mother wept an unheard cry,
Her silence could cut through the sky.
She held her man to her chest, hoping he could hear her heart beat.
He had left her to travel in peace, a word which had eluded their lives.
The little girl held her one legged doll, closer still,
And looked around the flames, and thought that hell was here after all.
The sight that I saw was not how it looked yesterday.
The swings in the park were now just debris, burning away.
Fathers wept and mothers cried as the children looked in daze,
Some lying near the dead, wondering why they’re asleep.
Birds of wing had lost their feathers, as they flew past the black sky.
Puddles of rain water overflowed with blood so red, and thicker than the plight.
The hop scotch lines were erased with gun powder,
As little sally figured, when she tried reviving them.
What had been my land is now sold to the devil.
I am the devil, and my horns have pierced the world into two, the bad and the ugly.
Hope is a mere word, as I mock it another day.
But some of us keep it alive, within our soul, as I smile,
When the child found her doll’s second leg.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
When you..
When I see you, my heart beats into a smile.
When I touch you, my senses live for a while.
When you laugh, a million stars paint the sky.
When you smile, the sky’s a new blue.
When I smell you, the gardens in the world bloom.
When you cry, the morning is without the dew.
When you sing, angels dance.
When you talk, spring has a chance.
When you walk with me, time is still.
When you talk to me, the words heal.
When I look into your eyes, you shy away.
When you shy away, a child is born.
When you hold my hand, the night is a shooting star.
When you rest your chin on my shoulder, your eyes whisper.
When you go away, it only rains.
When you come another day, the clouds make way for sunshine.
When you pray, every bird is free to fly.
When you don’t talk, your heart speaks.
When you’re angry, no plant has a flower.
When you’re happy, I am complete.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Along roads of cause
there's always a time in life when you think the journey's been cut short because of that "one" thing that goes wrong..but what we dont realize is that it can be made right by only one smile..and that is ours. people often forget to smile, not knowing that its the only thing that will get us where we wish to go.
...and some more people need to know : when you have two voices telling you what to do, listen to the voice that favours today and not the wicked tomorrow. Tomorrow can be built.Today is already ready..think about it!!!!!!!
Along roads of cause,
By the streets of happiness,
Stood a man, waiting to take a walk.
The early bird, he was not.
Through the laughs and the tears,
He made much of what he had.
Picked a pebble, threw it up,
Saw its fall; he knew his life was that.
All to lose and some more to gain.
The flight was a desire, but none to fling him up.
But he needs to take the walk, and the all important run.
His legs are jittery, but his head is firm through the air.
Met the loner, the lonely and the fool hardy.
Not one was like him, he thought.
Yet they reflected his shadow in their eyes.
He knew its all in the game,
Play it and then there’s a winner with a name.
It wasn’t what he wanted to be,
A player was all he was; and the game was the love.
At every step he fell, some his own and some undone.
The hand he saw, from the sky, made him smile and walk a while.
Magicians don’t live he thought, they just believe they can.
His answers had no questions, yet he smiled at the sunset everyday.
Dancing under the stars for joyous unions were aplenty,
Time had been kind to him, he knew, as he waited to take the leap into life.
Some women came, but she stayed.
He found what he wasn’t searching, yet it was all he longed.
Now he turns back, to sight the winding roads of yesterday,
The thorny paths, the bed of lilies, and the empty sky.
They were his soul, his only fish bowl.
The sunset had arrived again, only now he knew all the colors.
The violet sky, with the blue, around the ball, had all the applause.
Holding her hand he walked to the horizon,
As only one pair of footprints followed him to the end.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Kiss the Sky --- a tribute to something known and yet unknown.
Under the raging water,
above the maniacal laughter.
There floats a mind,
nothing like its kind.
Was it a bird, was it a plane?
It couldn't be Superman, could it?
He stroked his mane,
Mindful of every color it lit.
Emotions like never before,
were all that came to the fore.
Ha Ha Ha and then a tear fell.
Soft and Loud, fervent still yet. Pray tell!!
What was this heavenly smell,
that made him long for caramel.
The color of love n' peace unafraid of which cat he had to bell...
Which by the way was just swell!!
Thoughts that bewildered him
A zillion at a whim.
They wouldn’t stop
Made his brain go boop bap dibbitty dabitty POP!!
He loved it, loved the free air, like a lovely dame
Nothing could bind him, it was his, till Kingdom came.
He looked around and all he saw was what life could be
And he vowed to never let anything tell him what to be.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
One Life, One Love, One End...
North America did it against South America. High strung Germans did it against the Jews. The majority Hindus do against the minority Muslims what the majority Muslims do against the minority Hindus...
The Russians did it, the Chinese continue to do it; so does Africa to itself, Europe and the 'holy' Middle East do it against the imaginary devils..
The Whites do it against the Whites, the Blacks to the Blacks and the Browns to the Browns...
This is not a secret nor is it open. I wish we had LOVE rather than the love for HATE...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Jackie and the paintbrush....
Wasn't the sharpest or the one with a fancy crown.
He liked his roast beef and a mug o' barley,
Didn't have too many friends but he did love his dog, Barney.
Most saw through him , others looked down at him;
It never was his criteria; all he wanted was that rainbow full to the brim.
An orchestra played within, the wind the strings the entire gamut.
He danced and he hummed and he swayed to the gentle beats of the still night.
The veins throb for attention, the pupils dilate for love,
Important they were not; for Jack was a simple child and a simpler soul.
Fishing came, lunches went; watching puddles while cycle rides passed by.
Jack loved his life and all the little things that made it fly.
Along came a day when lepers took to their holes and fishes to the bait;
Oblivious was he, for he had a rhyme; a rhyme of great splendour and taste.
Dreaming of an unknown beginning and fearing the knowing end..
He took a left when he should have maybe taken a right only to come across a bend.
Here he found ecstacy that showed him what color was all about,
but as is so often the case, the good withers away and the great dies in an instant.
Here he was on his bed; a bone without a dog, a thorn without a rose...
Happy endings they say are interims to unfinished stories....
P.S. I'm glad Lil Jackie found what he had to find even if it brought despair to some extent later on, I just hope we all do as well before we sip nectar atop little marshmallow puffs.... :)
Also, I'm sorry if this dragged on... couldn't help it... :P
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Rodeo Clown
The poet, he looked around;
a little wary a little too profound.
The clouds were gathering but the birds still sang;
The lake glistened beyond the hills and a pint he drank..
Many a hour-glass back, there was this bird...
A bird of beaut and flames of wonder;
I remember the way it soared and I pondered...
How did it matter where it was going; or coming for that matter.
As i grow the lesser i know,
Will you set my dreams free or follow them down the hole..
a hundred mothers and a million muses
thats just me dreaming impossible dreams...
A rodeo clown is I; with my very own Secret garden..
God smiled in an apparition and there stood a flower, lingering..
twisting and swaying like a nimble daisy in a blust.
Ha Ha that can't be true; its just me going bust...
Who sowed those seeds; those that harvest in my soul..
Was it you ma? or was it ziggy G maybe it was there for her to cajole;
Hold me close and remind me how it was to love,
how it was to trust and a smile so true...
Time has passed and things have changed, though some stay the same..
He knew it was his call, his very own and none to share or blame..
The sun took a peek and down came the silence...
Slip sliding away; he beckoned for sunshine,
He finally had what he sought, maybe forever maybe for a wee bitty...
It was his and nothing could take it away, not even he...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sagittarian Delight...
when lilies bloom and hope is our bane..
I hum our tune just to see you swoon,
the bells chime and i'm a loopy loon...
Faces i see and yet a face i see,
do i have a case or is it another lost race to me..
A king nothing with a thorny crown,
silence is thy shadow within which i shall drown..
Why couldn't we enjoy the rain without the fear of getting wet,
must there be a reason, a rhyme and the holy set..
Can we have this one dance,
I couldn't love the music any much more....
P.S. i suppose it's nothing great or too thought provoking but it says all that I have to say and feel...
Monday, August 20, 2007
scream yells the emotion
The scream yells the emotion I feel.
And the song is out of place in this world.
Larger than life’s own cruelties,
It tries to break the mould of injustice.
But strangled is its voice, as it tries once more.
And now it has stopped to attempt the truth.
As much as the rhythm plays in me,
It can never break the circle of boundaries.
The purest form of existence, alas, crumbled down.
Now I cry and complain, only coz I’m a piece of the earth.
I know not beyond what I see and feel.
Its not good enough, they say as I heal myself.
The attempt is vain, and so are the rules.
Neither does my soul want to let go of you,
Nor does the heart strike a wrong note now.
It’s a battle I will fight all over again until time ceases to stop.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Sometimes life tickles me and then I realize the darn Nitrous Oxide's leaking again....
This brilliant hatred or disgust (again, excuse the non-inclination towards political correctness) that we or rather most people have against the 'bullying' Americans with their thoughts and actions towards the rest of the 'oh-not-so-strong' nations a little mis-conceived?
Could it be more of the natural human tendency of man/woman to hate the top dog or bitch as the case may be?
So America struts her stuff around, tells people what to do and what not quite similar to that over-bearing aunt you can't see the back enough of... So you 'hate' her(America), form discussions, ridicule her and the derogation continues.. till you're either blue in the face or you have run out of expletives... Fair enough. In the same breath, what exactly is it that bothers us so much? Israel did the same with Palestine, China has done it with Tibet (I don't see anything happening on that front), Soviet Union had done it, Bosses do it to their assistants, Bullies in School Grounds do it, Elder siblings do it...well, you get the picture. Could it be what we hate is Power or rather the lack of it?
I mean, imagine a hypothetical situation where, India got its act together and became the Alpha Male in this world, imagine the kind of power that USA enjoys in our hands, can you imagine the havoc?!?! Hell, imagine it in the hands of North Korea or Iran .. or one of our famed Computer Lecturers from College, can you imagine the chaos?!? Scary propositions I agree, so where am I heading here, you may ask; Could it be that the hatred is instead more indirectly directed towards After all we are from the same seed, we are blooming mad and we LOVE power!!
The thought that really scares me now is that, the problems are not going to end with America's demise or the demise of Taliban, or that of Institutionalized Education Systems rather with the demise of Man and that scares me for the simple fact that the last time I checked in the mirror, I was one of the hominoid species...hmmm... we ARE in trouble aren't we..
~cheerio~ (a lil frightened)
Monday, June 4, 2007
By a String...
Now you know who you and I are.
Run down a stream of hope,
I’m held by a string, not a rope.
My love is all dried,
Ever since I lost my bride.
This time you’re hurt, but I need to heal.
It’s all wise, but I need the moment to feel.
Slower still, I desire a laugh against my will.
Walk the mile as if you’re dressed to kill.
But it may need all the might and some more guile.
Now is the time to try a trick as I lie down for a while.
It just got better than the sound of flow.
Let’s rise above the water to see the night glow.
The darker the sight is, the stronger the might.
Find the bait or just wait for the great white.
Quietly, I walk through the night hiding from my shadow.
The tree has shed more than its worth of high and low.
I need a walk home and find the path to get there.
The time might be right, but someone’s got to pay the fare.
The road is busy and so are the men walking there.
It may feel like you need much more than a dare.
Run before they point a finger at you and your dope.
I’d still say that I’m held by a string, not a rope.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
perfect day
A silent thought, a feel it brought.
Looked real, felt surreal.
I tried to reason, without explanation.
It’s very simple, yet ample.
Look no beyond today, it’s the perfect day.
The light is bright, sit back tight.
You’re not in a maze, so clear the haze.
Is the chaos inside you or about you?
Smile under the sky until a tear rolls down your eye.
Look no beyond today, it’s the perfect day.
Live it on as you can, without a plan.
Keep laughing, it’s more than living.
There’s enough to give and more to receive.
Feel the burden or just walk by the garden.
Look no beyond today, it’s the perfect day.
It’s a race you run to win, but just learn to swim.
Let’s run in pain and gain and the merry rain,
Tiptoe through the misty eyes and the silent cries.
You may not fly, so learn to erase the lie.
Look no beyond today, it’s the perfect day.
Every answer can start another question.
It’s all about being able to just simply listen.
Time will unfold the solution, there’s no other notion.
Dream through your eyes, they see more than the lies.
Look no beyond today, it’s the perfect day.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Stuff I dont get -- The million dollar sequel.....
I ponder on my life, the ups AND the downs but mostly the hazy circular fields.. we move on to the list of my pet peeves and things that confuse me (I'm not considering math here)...
* The most bizarre one... Why is it that we follow the 'Beauty and the Beast' theory in 'real' life as well??? I mean, do i have to scar myself, become a complete jackass and have the rainbow puke on me to get hitched???? Or do i just need to get me a car... By George, wait till i get one, gonna make these women really run for it then...
* How is it that funny people always die in the movies?? I find this highly disturbing being a funny man myself, touche. I mean, we bring humor even in despair and how is it that we never get the girl ( you all might be thinkin that i'm bein a sour puss coz i haven't gotten any in a while, but believe you me, that is not the case...) also we are never taken seriously.
* The need to Indian-ize everything from Big Mac to Bringing in veg. food in KFC (which is highly ridiculous considering the name of the brand..) to just about every other foreign input in the food business. I mean, isn't the whole point of going out to eat, so we can have a taste of something different than what our palates are accustomed to? Whats next.. Noodle/Chopusey Qorma?!?
* This is something that I truly fail to comprehend, and something very common in India( will wonders never cease..) the exact purpose behind men growing one solitary fingernail to gargantuan proportions, preferably the lil pinky or the thumb is something beyond my meagre mental capabilities to relate... If somebody can figure out what/why/how/when.. you know where to leave a comment :)
~cheers n cheerio...
Monday, March 26, 2007
Howdy Ma... (This is for taking the plunge)
Stuck in the middle.
Jumpin' the jump,
Flocking the sheep...
My world is yours,
Is that a hole in our boat?
45-inch Telly's,
2-minute Quickies....
Life is a flash,
Come and get some...
Moondance Parties,
Is God alone?
Morning sunshine,
Au voir my love...
Dream thy dream,
Jus don’t be late...
*if they ever took away our pens, Man would we be in deep shit....
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Rode a storm...
Once you rode a storm and then went along.
You kept swayin’ until the shore was there; no long.
The search for a life of swing was far and beyon’,
But you had to get there to keep the journey goin’ on.
A loner you’re not, but you walk alone, lika journey man in a song.
Let’s just hope all this doesn’t take too long.
By the pond you sit, waiting for the circle to become round.
Be it a dark cloud or just the nights, by none were you bound.
A quick leap, a quicker dash and back on the run,
Its time to dwell on the streets, where began all the fun.
Along the roads of leaves and twigs, you trip a small fall,
It was time to wake up from the dream to see it all.
Met the fancy yesterday, today they don’t have much time.
You had bought it all once, but now is all about a dime.
As you live to stay alive, a day has sped by in an hour.
We laughed as the lake became a mere drop, don be sour.
Now you have fled away to the land of the unknown.
All you carry is a bag of thought and nothing much known.
The rhapsody of a smile is your find and only gain.
Keep it up for that’s the way you shoot the pain in this rain.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
In the Dog House....
Now if we just focus a lil more in depth on our 'friendly' k-9's, they don't seem to be too different from another social species close to my heart--Homo sapiens (for reasons more than the unknown). They are a very social species as we are, they are territorial as much as we are (just ask the world leaders), They nurture their young as much as we like to think we do, they have their ethics (you dont see two male/female dogs going at it do you now, not that homo-sexuality is wrong :P), They defend themselves as they seem fit and most importantly they go loopy just like us.
So, this recent outburst by our VERY great leaders(i'm talking bout humans now :) ), stinks just that tiny bit of hypocricy, for again like us we have the good dogs, the largely indifferent lot (content on smelling each others behind) and the 'ugly' bunch which has resorted in some untimely deaths of our kind. The reaction of "kill 'em all" which apart from sharing a common name with a hugely succesful heavy metal album has very little logic to it. We have people killing people by the truck loads and they are given "justice" as all men/women are conceived innocent till proven guilty and without getting too much in detail, i notice the stench of hypocricy again.... Getting back to the original point, what do we do with our once best friends now worst we castrate them..(!!!) or do we just eradicate them or do we set up Courts for 'em and present them with advocates.. surely there must be a solution....
While I ponder, i figure i shall go watch some more of Lassie and wonder if i would have received luxury beyond my meagre means if i was a pooch to Ms Hilton instead...
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Destination Anywhere (with all due apologies to a certain Jon Bon Jovi)
Open your sight and follow the white rabbit,
A journey not as arduous as of the hobbit.
Come my sweetness; let’s reach for that star,
But first a laugh at our whiskey bar.
I lost my way; you turned your head,
They ‘clicked’, we hurt and they ‘clacked’.
We went our paths to wonders, depths and moments galore
Wasn’t much but it missed the spark as decreed by folklore.
The monsoons came, smelling of that sweet musk, Ah nostalgia!!
Washed away the old and invited promise of a new criteria.
Cocoons came and butterflies went…
Memories dwindled but the need did not relent…
The sun is now out and I notice the door’s ajar,
I look around but my crew is quite afar
Should I beckon them for one final hurrah?
Probably not, never was our mantra…
In the twilight; a hop, skip and jump away, I spot a face
A face I hold dear, one so vague reminiscent of outer space.
It’s not mine, never was to begin with,
Just another illusion like life over death.
I will walk thy road and hope to link arms with them not long from now,
but if moss were to fog our vision and deny us our final bow;
I hope v go out with a bang rather than a meek little meow.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Not the end...
Yet I think this place is not right, oh don’t fight.
I laugh as you worry about love again,
But knowing you my friend, you’ll loose some only to gain.
Let’s leave this home for a place of crystal water,
Ride a storm and row a boat or just sing a song at the alter.
The ships of time will sail always, to a river, I can’t see.
But let’s sway today; coz tomorrow might be the busy bee.
Nodding my head to agree with my folly, I look back with a smile,
How we strolled by the trees, felt the breeze as we walked a mile.
You tripped me, but I know who would not let me take the fall.
Now you need me and I’m not a hill, we have met at a high, that’s all.
The days of glory we celebrate, with a toast not for the mere,
Some left, some fell prey, as the others felt the fear.
But we keep at it with disguise, wise and the crafty lies,
For, every tomorrow is to cherish, and to wait till the moment never dies.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Unkempt hair, braided locks....
Ready to travel with baggage to be dropped;
Empty heads and heavy souls carry crying hearts; popcorn anyone?
Await the call while dreading the voice; I’d like mine with a cone;
A zeppelin o’ lead wrote misty mountain top and a medley to adore,
Green bottoms on blue tops around loopy bananas; are we really that sore?
Wet clothes, drenched bodies out glows a warm silence
Listen carefully for the death like mist, music to thy aching eyes;
There in the bottom of a ravine, a rainbow of man’s unholiness
I search for a better me though reveling in it's murkiness;
The Trojans held their heads high only to be let down by a wooden horse
Irony, the black and the white of this play, wonder if god’s got it any worse;
If I could fall and not gasp for air, play my role and not be a farce,
Everythings free, and yet we dance to the tunes of green paper with a dead face;
Masks are the condoms today, not a deterrent but a disguise for the devil within,
A destination is earmarked, a path graveled, not for a walk or a sojourn but to tar I reckon;
Just like her I too shall be gone, A thousand questions to the shadows of the morn’
Unanswered forever, like wrinkles at 70 while the threads are sewn.
Monday, February 26, 2007
It’s worth at least a mighty dime.
Trying harder than a fusion sound of the uneven,
I look out from the frosty window for a new haven.
Oooh the bitter cold, roaring against the new and old.
The strokes of rays have been chiseled to flakes of snow.
Sleeping through my hibernation, I yearn for a new glow.
A Hungry soul I am, too much to eat, nothing to chew.
I lease my life everyday to a buyer unknown.
A step ahead than two behind I yearn, but fear holds my name.
I take a peek that turns into a fatal stare, much too bold.
It’s just a boon too dear to let go, a gift which is really an endless hole.
These desires have a name, but they’ve forgotten their song.
They hum a tune that has dried our lives, a sonnet that is long gone.
Licking my lips I play the bagpipes of betrayal with my merry men,
Unaware of the wrath I invite upon us; I dance alone, without a shadow.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
The Dark Side of the Moon .. from my side!!!

Look beyond the stars in your eyes.
The noise in the jungles gives me a spooky look.
Look into the jungles that cease to exist.
The night with all its might is more surreal than darkness.
Darkness was the first one to see the color of the night.
The lights of time illuminate from the forests.
Forests need light; it does not come from fire.
The moonlight is just an imagination of the mind.
Mind is the soul of imagination, and its only enemy.
The sight of your world is a glimpse of my work.
Work in the world or elsewhere, the sight of a visual is magic.
The scent of a smile is a twinkle in the eye.
Eye his fate and my destiny but don’t stare.
The look of the sky is a humble high.
High I want to fly, but the higher I go, the smaller I feel.
The thirst for vengeance closes our already muddled mind.
Mind your business, it keeps you alert.
We are in an orbit of amusement and confusion, much to our ignorance.
Ignorance; it’s the price we pay for knowing too much.
The laugh of life is more than you and I.
I need to laugh as much as I need to envy.
The reason for unbound feelings is the birth of music.
Music and hope are the only wheels of a dreamer’s car.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Things i dont get.... Vol. I
* Various titles that a simple room where u merely defecate and carry out body modifications that are simply too embarassing to be done outside..loo, bog, john, toilet, lavatory, bathroom, washrooom et al ... man o man.. people MUST love this place...
* The most sought after things in this world are actually available for free and yet you can become a millionaire on givin out baseless advice which even my pet dog(if i had one that is) could give...
* how the waif-like image came about to be termed as attractive.. what am i missing here??.. i'd be afraid to makeout with one of these "models" for the simple innocent fear of breaking her in half...
*why products like 'Fair and Lovely' even exist...(i'm not even gonna get into "Fair and Handsome").... "*$!!@#"! .. doesn't this amount to racial discrimination rather than the Shilpa Shetty fiasco in England?!?!?
* Why a decent bloke like I can''t get the attention of Soha Ali Khan... mind boggling..?? I KNOW!!!!
not exactly, the actual purpose of starting this blog. But for crying out loud.. just couldn' take it...
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Don’ come here a knockin',
the heart desires what it cant be havin';
Joy in a broken home;
Peace to a caged animal;
hope in a nightmare;
Love to a corpse...
Misread the entire gist,
spun the yarn to a heady twist,
We all died, not in a noose or a mire
but 'round the bonfire;
jack saw the face,
helen dropped her gaze,
alas!! flo had to lose the race....
Hell cries without a tear,
the baby jumps without a fear,
this must be the play they yell,
just as the curtain fell.....
Sunday, February 4, 2007
I know..
It never disappoints, it just misses my lawn.
The drums play endlessly in my ear,
I can’t listen, as much as I try to hear.
I know my path is clear, without any fear.
In my thoughts I’m lost, a lonely soul,
But its not the end of the rabbit hole.
I see my hazed reflection in a cup of espresso,
My naked mind is blinder than a baby’s eye, why so?
I know today is a pain, in my journey train.
A drifting mind is the doing of a breeze.
It blows some more sand in my face, with ease.
A scream is what I desire, much to their ire.
Look up to the sky, to throw a stone, am I the liar?
I know your pouring rain, is the home to my gain.
My destiny holds a key to some lock,
Its me he says, knock knock knock.
My era will be the dawn of my fate.
I will open the gate, maybe a lil late.
I know its only me, coz for any alonso there’s always a Schumi.