Tuesday, March 13, 2007

In the Dog House....

As we dwelve into the musings of our oh so muddled minds, i would like to muse on man's best friend or best enemy as the plot seems to head towards.... Dogs; love them or hate them ( i can't seem to make up mind, so i'll let the jury get back to me on that) are very much the urban myth of our poised India and unfortunately for all the wrong reasons.

Now if we just focus a lil more in depth on our 'friendly' k-9's, they don't seem to be too different from another social species close to my heart--Homo sapiens (for reasons more than the unknown). They are a very social species as we are, they are territorial as much as we are (just ask the world leaders), They nurture their young as much as we like to think we do, they have their ethics (you dont see two male/female dogs going at it do you now, not that homo-sexuality is wrong :P), They defend themselves as they seem fit and most importantly they go loopy just like us.

So, this recent outburst by our VERY great leaders(i'm talking bout humans now :) ), stinks just that tiny bit of hypocricy, for again like us we have the good dogs, the largely indifferent lot (content on smelling each others behind) and the 'ugly' bunch which has resorted in some untimely deaths of our kind. The reaction of "kill 'em all" which apart from sharing a common name with a hugely succesful heavy metal album has very little logic to it. We have people killing people by the truck loads and they are given "justice" as all men/women are conceived innocent till proven guilty and without getting too much in detail, i notice the stench of hypocricy again.... Getting back to the original point, what do we do with our once best friends now worst enemies...do we castrate them..(!!!) or do we just eradicate them or do we set up Courts for 'em and present them with advocates.. surely there must be a solution....

While I ponder, i figure i shall go watch some more of Lassie and wonder if i would have received luxury beyond my meagre means if i was a pooch to Ms Hilton instead...


Unknown said...

lol !!! Imagine.. they would jus be saying to them selves .. Hitler is back !! Run to the hills !!

swem said...

Hypocracy...again???? this word seems to be out in the open more often than i'd like it..whateva...kill the street dogs or call the ngo's and peta and ask them to take control of the situation..since they are the ones who "take resposibility for the welfare of animals in need"

Unknown said...

No dude .. why would they .. there is no publicity here .. yes they would only if paris hilton's pup was stuck in a ditch.. or if mel gibson felt rich to buy leather.. who cares if we wanna buy..

The Munn-key. said...

i mean hypocricy is part and parcel of our existence, no point in not talkig bout it...lol.. And besides, no need to get worked up just something i thought was quite inanely funny...