Friday, August 6, 2010

Good Day to you too, Sir.!

It's a good time going on.


Yes, it is.

I've got Johnny Nash singing and it feels alright. Yup.!

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone,
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

39 days since I last worked.
29 days I spent in MY gypsy-land with MY gypsies.
10 days before I see the Rainbow. *crosses fingers and knocks his wooden table*

I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin' for
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

It's been a while since i clickety-clacked the keys and with the new day dawning, the fingers do seem that little bit better tuned. He's just broken into chorus and the foot has begun to furiously pedal.

Look all around, there's nothin' but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin?but blue skies

I feel good. =)

"Tragedy is an Artist's best friend". I still believe it with all my heart. But, just this once, let's buck the trend and rage against the storm. I think I've wallowed in tragedy of whatever design, nature, reality or imagined for far too often. It may come back and when it will, we'll deal it with in our very own special untrained way.

But for now, let's enjoy this small teensie-weensie tiny corner of joy.

During my prolonged, nay, endless viewing of the telly, I seem to come across this cliché of a Wedding being the one and only thing a Woman truly cares about. It's surprising and I truly wonder how strong this actually holds out. They make it sound like how a Match/Race Day is to a Guy. (Another cliché, that the latter is only for Men and I know plenty of women to buck the trend. However, for argument's sake, let's go with this).

Let's focus on the latter tradition for a few lines now. I know we ALL have our rituals, traditions and mention-nots. The ritualistic donning of the colors, the waving of the Flag. Furious swaying as you try and sit in the same position throughout the entire ceremony (read: event) for the simple fear of jinxing them. Singing/Humming along the songs/anthems. It's not just your team, it's "Us", "We", "My". Absolutely no tolerance for lame, immature jokes by them social wannabe watchers. To celebrate like you just won a Billion, Gadzillion Green Ones with every Goal/Overtake Maneouvere. And finally, the celebratory drink afterwards. Ofcourse, it could also be the disconsolable 'pick-me-up' drink too. We are but creatures of habit.

I once burnt KFC as I tried to reheat it on the micro (?!?) while the game was on. Yes, it's an old story but definitely not a rare one amongst my kind. I am NOT ashamed.!

Isn't it funny, how after reading it all, people wonder "So, what point is he trying to make.?" he he he Silly Mongooses, I NEVER have a point.

Aaaanyhoo.. (Y'know, I've never really understood that term). What is that even supposed to mean.? Is it Anyhow.? Anyone.? Any..who (are we talking about here?). Bleddy 'ell.!

I could easily just slipstream unto my detest for this new-fangled SMS lingo (ugh!). But today, is 'Happy Day'. So, THAT, will be for another day and another poor victimised reader plus Shruts, Sue, Rich and the Miz..

Today, I'm going to spend time with Mum,Dad and Sana. Crack silly jokes, laugh out loud and pray my Embassy visit goes just fine in a couple of days. Content =)

Today, I will think of the times to come. Of adventures to be had. Of my life with the Rainbow. EEEEEEEEE =)

Today, I will also look back on my last trip with the gypsies and other passing nomads with a Monster-Smile and a slightly lumpy-misty heart. Soon again. =)

I feel good.!

And now, excuse me while I wait for reality to kick in..