Thursday, October 9, 2008

Prodding the Brain with a Feather...

Another night.. dark, alone, morose and life passes by without so much as a click. So much to scream about and yet not a peep. It's funny, but isn't life so ironic and full of contradictions - I wonder if that makes life a hypocrite. Now, thats a thought.

I like to write/ramble/muse whatever the definition for this garble might be depending on the reader and I care and yet I do not care how it hits him/her/them (another contradiction).

I wish I was in a crystal shop with a baseball bat and given a free licensce to some much needed Batting practice. Sigh.

I feel like a rant.

I feel like a scream.

I feel like a tantrum.

I feel like a make out.

Is it just me or does anybody else miss out on good ol' Hindi Music from the prehistoric ages of whence your parents resembled you inclusive of all zits, hormones and curiosity. Just today, while going with mum and dad for dinner, dad puts on the radio and out drifts sounds that strangely enticed me beyond any mention. I had no clue what the lyrics were but i could connect and I miss Music.

hmmm, I'm hungry. Be Right Back.

Dandruff, now that's a problem. I don't like dandruff but they sure as hell seem to like my scalp every now and then. shh. Don't tell anyone I got dandruff; I don't think the ladies are too impressed by it not that I'm doing great in that department right now or for that matter good. Waitaminit, abysmal is more like it. But let's put this in the closet as well with the rest of the skeletons eh?

Some people do not like to reveal too much of themselves to complete strangers, I had the same mind-set which resulted in me not having any friends; I think the horrible attitude and sulky mood had a part to play as well. Anyway, the point being that since everybody is a stranger....hmmm.... this really isn't going anywhere.

Any given point of time, and there are usually 10 different thoughts running amok in ones head like those pesky kids in a 'Toys R Us' full up on sugar; and the minute you get asked what you're thinking and the only thing that pops out is - . Nothing! And you thought that graduation from High School would put an end to such situations; I think not.

I miss Frothy Beverages, cancer on a stick, mindless chatter around a rickety table, some classy tunes, loud laughs, louder arguments... aah Life was good.

If you thought there was a point at the end of this, boy where you wrong and man oh man would you be feeling stupid to having read all this... Now you know a miniscule of the kind of things that run through my head.. HA HA !... *more sniggering*

Nothing. Everything. Ying - Yang. Ping Pong.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ramblings of a certain addicted Couch-Potato...

41 days; 6 fractured bones, 1 fractured tooth, 3 chipped teeth, 10 staples in the head, injuries to the lungs and other numerous cuts, scrapes and bruises supplemented with countless hours of mindless telly watching, munching and other inanities later I find myself counting the days till i get back to my tribe and my grazing grounds albeit however short the 'home-coming' might last...

In these days of relative solitude, and overbearing 'support' from my ever loving parents; things tend to get a little too cluastrophobic and yet I tend to ramble. This is my gift from the desert beyond - my ramblings, my cantering thoughts, me, myself & idum..

Moving along, I hate this completely obnoxious barrage of news channels; I'm sure by now everybody has heard of the party bust in Bombay which resulted in the arrest of 230 odd kids with drug related offence. What I find especially distasteful is the manner in which these C-grade journalists go about projecting it like a typical B-grade hindi movie; One channel even ripped off certain scenes from this movie - 'Page 3' and not wanting to even tread over the terribly amatureish voice over; How Lame and truly offensive..! Whatever happened to actual journalism and it bothers me that unlike other kids who wanted to get in the army or become a fireman/policeman; I wanted to be a journalist... such a shame. (Didn't help that my mum was watching it and is completely horrified at where 'our' youth is heading to).

I love music. I love Manchester United. I love my mates. Period.

I do not like rules. I do not like Authority. I do not like politicans.

I also noticed this fascination certain people have for songs, books, soaps and movies that have a sad, meloncholic and lonesome feel to it.. ironic, since they derive joy or comfort from it. I for one am one of these people and in my time have come across certain people who do too, and not all of us are lonely, depressed, loony or any of that sort. We are, well most of us are pretty normal (depending on your definition of normal).

Is it just me or is the only reason to watch any rap/hip-hop video; to ogle at the various incredibly hot women on screen. I mean, since when did the powers that be decide that MUSIC alone was just not enough?!?!

Just the other day, i was watching this show 'According to Jim' which arguably was the funniest episode I had seen in a long time. This particular episode had Jim and his Brother in law - Andy go on a drunken bachlorette party for Andy's sister - Dana (which would be Jim's sister in law; stay with me you slower ones - I have a point here) and what's more their drunken antics were not only quite realistic but also pretty darn funny; infact it was easily their funniest episode - the drunken binges; the appearance of various receipts - and the subsequent re-enactment; loud crappy 'singing'; 'dancing' anywhere n everywhere; statements you cannot live without uttering every other minute et al (All you trippers, know where I'm heading with this; the rest of you.. well life isn't fair, deal with it). The point here is that ...*waaaait for it*..... drunken people are frikkin hilarious!! (well 7 out of 10 are. the other 3 consist of the violent, black-out and miscellaneous and not in any order).

I completely agree that there's nothing in this world thats better at lifting spirits than shopping for onesels; be it a momentory crisis, a failing relationship or yet another argument with your loved ones. The feeling of owning something new is just awesome and so very uplifting. Such a shame that this feeling needs to be constantly fed but what the hell, we need all the help we can get.

I think I'm losing hair. Yikes!
Technology scares me.
I wish I had a Dog; I could do with some company right about now.

Time to take a shower....