Look beyond the stars in your eyes.
The noise in the jungles gives me a spooky look.
Look into the jungles that cease to exist.
The night with all its might is more surreal than darkness.
Darkness was the first one to see the color of the night.
The lights of time illuminate from the forests.
Forests need light; it does not come from fire.
The moonlight is just an imagination of the mind.
Mind is the soul of imagination, and its only enemy.
The sight of your world is a glimpse of my work.
Work in the world or elsewhere, the sight of a visual is magic.
The scent of a smile is a twinkle in the eye.
Eye his fate and my destiny but don’t stare.
The look of the sky is a humble high.
High I want to fly, but the higher I go, the smaller I feel.
The thirst for vengeance closes our already muddled mind.
Mind your business, it keeps you alert.
We are in an orbit of amusement and confusion, much to our ignorance.
Ignorance; it’s the price we pay for knowing too much.
The laugh of life is more than you and I.
I need to laugh as much as I need to envy.
The reason for unbound feelings is the birth of music.
Music and hope are the only wheels of a dreamer’s car.
is it a poster??
dvd baby...d -frikkin-v-super cool-d....lol...swem n i won it @ Opus.
see... we fans been loyal o you all , but now its time to revert ... post somethin u guys.. ee kabootar sink your self in the deep dungeons of yo palace and come up with somethin.. or rather go to a park..
wow...!! bravo!!
didn't understand.. :(
Yes sir !!
nothin to understand shruthi...don read too much into it..just read it as though u were reading an article..its not too abstract..its just a read..
and incase u still din get it..then i'll tell u..cant type it hea..
why are the posts deleted..?!?!?
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