Twilight has peaked as the wraps are packed,
Ready to travel with baggage to be dropped;
Empty heads and heavy souls carry crying hearts; popcorn anyone?
Await the call while dreading the voice; I’d like mine with a cone;
A zeppelin o’ lead wrote misty mountain top and a medley to adore,
Green bottoms on blue tops around loopy bananas; are we really that sore?
Wet clothes, drenched bodies out glows a warm silence
Listen carefully for the death like mist, music to thy aching eyes;
There in the bottom of a ravine, a rainbow of man’s unholiness
I search for a better me though reveling in it's murkiness;
The Trojans held their heads high only to be let down by a wooden horse
Irony, the black and the white of this play, wonder if god’s got it any worse;
If I could fall and not gasp for air, play my role and not be a farce,
Everythings free, and yet we dance to the tunes of green paper with a dead face;
Masks are the condoms today, not a deterrent but a disguise for the devil within,
A destination is earmarked, a path graveled, not for a walk or a sojourn but to tar I reckon;
Just like her I too shall be gone, A thousand questions to the shadows of the morn’
Unanswered forever, like wrinkles at 70 while the threads are sewn.
lots of questions, shall clear them when we chat..
very nice!! very contemporary.. your best so far.. or I feel that with every new piece that you write!!
loved this line,
"Ready to travel with baggage to be dropped;"
hey and isn't zeppelin's song called misty mountain hop!!
hop is it...hmmmmm... *oopsie :) i hope i don get plagarised for this...
Dude.. come 'on don give up so soon..
mean.. with the last few lines of your writing.. if you have seen so much.. felt so much .. probably push an inch and u might get there.. and probably don need a refund after all..
though i still think i got over-charged...
your first and only work i guess..which i din understand..
condoms are a mask , to hide the devils in us .. very contemporary indeed..
One more thing .. jus a suggestion to the both ..talent is in abundance but heart breaking that they are just writings.. wish to see them converted to "WORKS" and that can be done by living up to the thoughts(by action).. coz that where you people are destined to touch and soar .. comeone guys lets wipe of the writings and convert them to works.. as too watchers are eagerly waiting (shruthi n I).. We want works!! We want works !!!
All the best buds !!
(this is with reference to a small trip to Kodai where certain parts of my body and soul opened while others refused to budge….maybe I’m not ready yet but I just hope I’m on the right path to wherever it is that I need to go…)
I hopw this helps now....
P.S. "WORKS"..?? pray tell :)
I mean so far its just been musing of the muddled mind.. Now we would like to see musings of some stern mind.. when that happens ..when things get brighter we tend to believe in our selves .. that sounds more like fun .. So "works" was more like living upto the words by actions in the positive aspects of life .. thats all..
the first para's are awesome... i wanna go to kodai too...
soon my man soon.. say the magcal words and it shall be there!!!
sorry...u're goin to see musings of muddled minds here..there's really no need for a "stern" mind..thts not the objective of this blog..i suppose..!
the word "works" will never sound enticing enough prasad..!!
k.. as you guys wish.. and like shruthi said.. its not enticing enough..
Therez some kind of trance feeling in the writing.
trance feelin..?? hmmm thats a new one... wat makes u say that :)
Yeah you like read it and you get lost somewhere and you read again. Thats like trance. Somewhere get lost while reading in a good sense. Its different. :)))
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