Thursday, April 12, 2007

Stuff I dont get -- The million dollar sequel.....

As I spend yet another 'fun-filled' day at work with my trusty stapler and Emily, the coffee machine for company( which has accepted my proposal, we're a couple now you see, aaah the joys of love).

I ponder on my life, the ups AND the downs but mostly the hazy circular fields.. we move on to the list of my pet peeves and things that confuse me (I'm not considering math here)...

* The most bizarre one... Why is it that we follow the 'Beauty and the Beast' theory in 'real' life as well??? I mean, do i have to scar myself, become a complete jackass and have the rainbow puke on me to get hitched???? Or do i just need to get me a car... By George, wait till i get one, gonna make these women really run for it then...

* How is it that funny people always die in the movies?? I find this highly disturbing being a funny man myself, touche. I mean, we bring humor even in despair and how is it that we never get the girl ( you all might be thinkin that i'm bein a sour puss coz i haven't gotten any in a while, but believe you me, that is not the case...) also we are never taken seriously.

* The need to Indian-ize everything from Big Mac to Bringing in veg. food in KFC (which is highly ridiculous considering the name of the brand..) to just about every other foreign input in the food business. I mean, isn't the whole point of going out to eat, so we can have a taste of something different than what our palates are accustomed to? Whats next.. Noodle/Chopusey Qorma?!?

* This is something that I truly fail to comprehend, and something very common in India( will wonders never cease..) the exact purpose behind men growing one solitary fingernail to gargantuan proportions, preferably the lil pinky or the thumb is something beyond my meagre mental capabilities to relate... If somebody can figure out what/why/how/when.. you know where to leave a comment :)

~cheers n cheerio...


Anonymous said...

hahahahah..u're best yet i'd like to think..but totally man...whts with funny men dying n not gettin the girl...i mean there arent too many of us out there..silly women..the rest of it all discussed n way over my head..

shruthi said...

funny men die??

and it makes absolute business sense to serve vegetarian in places lke KFC.. that way ppl will still go to those places when vegetarians are around.. otherwise they are gonna lose out on customers.. hee hee i am so smart..

The Munn-key. said...

I swear bout the funny men dying.. geeeez!!!!

"the rest of it all discussed n way over my head.. " - swem,wazzat bout??

Yea, shruts but go have vegetarian food at a place with chicken in its main hoarding?!?

Anonymous said...

i mean the rest of the to ugly guy hot chick syndrome n stuff...discussed it all without reachin a conclusion..

Unknown said...

oh the nail thing.. well i really don know why they do that ... but one thing i know is tailors use it coz it help them mark temporary lines while stiching.. Also some of them i know use it as an extra edge to facilitate their work.. n the coloring part .. ummm.. remember u wanted to color them black .. probably people here have some pink or red thing going on ..

The Munn-key. said...

true true...i have become the victim of another Indian-ization of food. went to this chinese place for some lunch.. ordered something which looked peaceful only for it to be a toxic mixture of what i would call India's nuclear wastes, rice and some tid-bits of chicken...WHY GOD WHY!?!? (and btw thats not me, but my stomach..)

Anonymous said...

Here are the simple answers to this entry:

1) The beauty and the beast theory is a misconception. This is due to the fact that when we are out sometimes we see some super hot girl with this guy that deserves my cleaning lady, and we think why god, why not me. But in reality we just did not notice the other 99 girls in the club with appropriate guys. We just notice the unusual that all.

2) In the movies it maybe what maybe, but in real life girls will always fall for the comedian rather then the physical stud or the Hero. So you have hope. Look in every single Comso survey, girls will always choose a sense of humor as one of the most important feature they are looking for in a man.

3) The Indianazation is done simply to sell more to customers. KFC will not do anything unless it increases their sales. Simple Economics. Corporate profits are put above virtually everything else. What you should really worry about is the quality of the food we are getting.

4) The finger nail thing is truly a bizarre feature that I too will ponder. I had a cousin that did it for a while, I asked him, Why? His answer was I was trying to get some attention since there is nothing special about me. Maybe it is the ability to be noticed with this "special" feature. But truly, weird.

The Munn-key. said...


I can't say much now can I..