Wednesday, December 24, 2008

30 Days to go...

I had come across my rainbow over a rickety table.
The Sun was just peeking out, not with it's suspected brilliance. Yet.
I run my fingers through these cracks within,
and wonder if they are there for all to see.

In. SHOUT. JuMp. twi$t. mooove. Out.

Parting Clouds,
Shining Moon,
Sparkling Shots,
Wistful Gazes.

Glittering stars shine on my crazy diamond.

Comfort in that presence.
Safety in that grip.
Warm breath on nervous skin.
Smoky eyes and half smiles.

How soft can a whisper sound?
How loud can a smile be?
How deep can a look feel?
How hard can a goodbye kiss get?

Some enchanted evening that was..

The face is a smiling sun,
The hands feel like the caressing rain,
I am now on a hill, Oh My!
This is my time and that is MY rainbow.


Unknown said...

Goodbyes are difficult no?

The Munn-key. said...

Yes Yes... :(
