Monday, December 12, 2011

Rage Me.


Rage against my mind.

Rage against the situation.
Rage against your words.
Rage against my needs.

Rage against going forward.

Rage against being stuck in the past.
Rage about the uncertain future.
Rage against my surroundings.

Rage against me.

Rage against you.
Rage against them.
Rage against him.

Rage against intermittent hope.

Rage against fast disappearing hope.
Rage against the fear.
Rage against my dreams.

Rage against the lovers.

Rage against the dreamers.
Rage against the optimists.
Rage against the comfort.

and then,



Rage against Death.

This one goes out to the reminder that, "Life is short". 

Thank you. I'm trying the best I can, I hope it's enough.


Anonymous said...

All this rage leaves but one question that must puzzle the muddled mind. What about rage against rage itself?

The Munn-key. said...

Indeed.! =)

I think that is the eternal struggle. One that is present in each verse in one form or the other.

PS: Anon, I know.?

(Note to self: must remove anonymity).
