Saturday, February 14, 2009

Addictions from the Loony Bin...

Wikipedia says the aforementioned term is used in many contexts to describe an obsession, compulsion or excessive physical or psychological dependence.

The papers are all over this 'disease' (if i may term it so) on the latest addictions, their cures and the highs with the lows not to mention the inherent damage to our already damaged society.

This got me wondering on what my various addictions are and here due to immense boredom I list them out...

I am addicted to music
(No, I don't have any talent; a ear for music is all i can boast of)

I am addicted to food
(Good Food I might add, can be quite finicky about this)

I am addicted to pornography
(Yes, not afraid to admit this; I love good innovative erotica - keeps the mind fresh and young; also nothing beats a boring lazy afternoon than good porn)

I am addicted to the Telly
(Man's greatest invention. period. I can watch just about anything. Ask Sue, much to his great annoyance)

I am addicted to reading
(I'll read anything from scribbles on the back-ends of bus seats to doodles to books of almost any kind, restaurant menus, tv guides, obscurely old and decaying newspapers everything bar stuff that came in school text books - ironic).

I am addicted to checking my emails every 5 minutes.
(For the sheer excitement of getting a long mail. However, technology just plain scares me. I hope my life partner is more technologically competent and brave. I'm going to need her to be). :)

I am addicted to sappy soap operas - *Cripes, I'm a woman!*
(This however does not include the ridiculous kind that come on zee, sony or star plus in any way i might add).

Addiction is Football.
(even if it's watching a bunch of kids play in a narrow alley).

I am addicted to doodling, dawdling and rambling.
(a fascination of the holy trinity, I hope to carry all the way to my grave).

I am addicted to nonsense.
(More often than not this makes more sense to me than everything else).

I am addicted to sloth.
(FAVOURITE activity..!!)

I am addicted to being paranoid.
(does this qualify as an addiction or am i just plain 'mental'). *hmmm*

I am also addicted to this certain rainbow that fills up the sky with oh so pretty colors. This is one addiction i shall fight hard to keep not that i think it'll require much.

All in all, I love my addictions and a junkie is what I am. Thank the mighty Lord for that.


Unknown said...

Genetic overlap somewhere.


You stole my lines, and my addictions too.



The Munn-key. said...

stole your lines..? Pray tell. :D

Blame the genes for the addictions. :)

Unknown said...

This post is MINE :D It is about ME. Hence the lines are all mine too. :P

The Munn-key. said...

Ha Ha Ha...

I guess twins tend to do this to each other. :P

Anonymous said...

this sounds like an instruction manual for your wife!! :P

Anonymous said...

Its odd... he didnt mention his greatest addiction yet ..... lol .. hahahahhahaha

Anonymous said...

and what would that be mich?? :P

The Munn-key. said...

@Sue: Yea, she can't say she wasn't warned (my wife that is) :P

@ Sue and Miz: Aren't you two adorably annoying?? Soon the third spoke will come and then you can all sing ring-a-ring-a-roses.. sheeeze :P

Unknown said...

Ring-a-ring-a-roses.. a pocket full of posies...


Anonymous said...

there u go..u got what u asked! :P

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