Monday, January 26, 2015

One after the other..

It's been a tumultuous year.

There has been the normal amount of change with varying degrees of impact.

There has been a surprising amount of continuity and evolution - In relationships, perspectives, purpose and emotions.

Looking ahead, there is a faint glimmer of potential highs and shaky ground that seem to go hand-in-hand. Resolutions were never time or duration specific but they came about in certain moments of clarity or moments of complete mayhem and chaos. It was accepted for it is a blowing wind.

There is much to be written and much of it requires a certain level of courage and candidness which probably isn't available at this point in time as it should be. A rant will have to do. For now. Again.

A strong belief exists that a foundation for something truly great has been laid and while that may have been a very difficult phase, the level of dedication, perseverance and belief required going forward is going to be unquestionable and unparalleled since now.

The support system has never wavered, thankfully. While some pillars and rocks may have moved along having played their path in this story, others have come along and supported this journey. Nobody's value or worth or effort can ever be truly encapsulated in words. It is invaluable and one that will never be forgotten irrespective of the state those bonds may currently reside in.

There is a new compass by the side. No questions asked, very few requests requested, no promises made or expected. It's perfect and just what is required. The fear of letting down, still persists. It'll never go away, which may not necessarily be a bad thing. Hope for the best still remains. Perseverance, belief and dedication has got to be the mantra with every stroke of cheek, every kiss and every gaze. It remains to be seen..

Don't be afraid beats the heart. Stay calm whispers every breath.

One step.. Let's deal with each step as it comes.

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