Saturday, February 26, 2011


This. This is me, there is no other.
This. This is me, dreaming my dreams like no other.
This. This is me, the rain king.
This. This is me, a world to offer but the garden isn't.

Tell me a secret and I will sing you a song.
Sing me a song and I will color you the ink of my life.
Color me a life and I will drop you a line.
Drop me a line and we will be together..

This. This is me, and my crown of scars.
This. This is me, a broom, a wand and the promise of forever.
This. This is me, and a seed of rebirth.
This. This is me, and the trees of life and knowledge.

You, may have it all..
You, could have it all..
You should have it all.

By the corner, biting your lips;
unsure, uncertain.
By the corner, fiddling your hands;
beckoning, enticing.

Control is not our birthright.
Behold, the sea of gratitude.!
Nor, is the fight ours.
Behold, the road to awe.!


My Queen. My Kingdom.
Now and forever.
We shall...


This. This is me, a great ball of fire.
This. This is me, a fountain of calm.
This. This is me, a glacier of emotion.
This. This is me, and my empire of dirt.

The never-ending search to be "Forever" is more often than not found in the most unlikely of places, areas which one would not necessarily look into and rather overlook. Infact, the notion of 'Forever' itself is usually lost upon us.

A train-ride, strangers, 96 minutes, An eternity, A fountain, A story, Lives, "Forever" - I owe this to them all.


Anonymous said...

I love this piece of yours :) - mich

The Munn-key. said...
