In a little while...
You'll be dancing that dance with me in your sight.
In a little while...
We'll be watching the rain on a warm night.
My Girl, My Girl , My Girl..
Watch out for that puddle, dont step unknowingly;
Jump rather, like a child full up on glee.
Let's leave the lights on.. The Dark tends to scare me..
Hey Now.. Hey Now..
Do you feel the love in all that is holy
I got my jammies, lets go grab a guacamole..
Elvis is playing and the world’s a-rocking..
You got the pink boa, time to get those feet tapping.
I ain’t got no reason.. hell! Where’s the rhythm..
Let’s just scream and shout and twist for fun
There’s too much pain all aroun’..
Shut it all out and sway to the trambone…
Ideally, We would conclude for the moment with an orgasm to a killer guitar riff coupled with a trumpet solo a la Miles Davis.. aaah the beauty of all that is music.